Modelling a Aircraft - F9F-5

 From:  kevjon
2036.59 In reply to 2036.58 
>I wish I had enough time available to work on all the small details that you're really interested in.

Michael, thanks for taking the time to do this. Much appreciated. You've given me some more food for thought with this post. When I have some more time I'll try build on your idea to see if I can develop it further.

>I fully understand that this does not have many of the details that you need, but it may give you some ideas of what could be possible.
Thats fine, it shows the principle which is the main thing.

>I don't really think that you are going to gain any benefits by trying to do it with the NURBS toolset,
>there are a lot of detailed things and problem areas that you would have to sort of navigate through.
Fully understand that and I will continue to do some parts of the aircraft with nurbs to speed up the workflow. For example on my polymodel of the F9F it might be better to do the wings and tailplane with nurbs where I can do some quick booleans to cut out ailerons, elevators, trim tabs and rudders etc as this is always a tedious task on high poly model. At the moment it is good to have both a nurbs modeller in MoI and polymodeller. At least with both I will always have the right tool for the job at hand.

You've made some great posts here about the best way to go about creating models with nurbs or the philosphy behind it. Maybe those posts should be compiled into a new sticky thread for reference.
