Modelling a Aircraft - F9F-5

 From:  kevjon
Hi Brian

>You might like to have a look at this
Yep I've seen those before. None of them are accurate compared to the real thing and I can see where the user has simplified things in those models to suit what nurbs can and can't do.

>Michael was involved with the creation of very recent Rhino app versions you may find. MoI is his "Encore
Yep, I'm aware of that. I apologise if I have offended Michael or MoI users. Michael is the one who has suggested to me a couple of times that I would be better modelling this aircraft with polys than nurbs. I persisted in the hope that I could get there with Nurbs and perhaps speed up my workflow.

Hi Burrman

I totally agree with you that in order to become a skilled nurbs modeller you have to put the time and effort into it.

>The REAL airplane would be modeled in NURBS
This aircraft is from the late 40's early 50's. No nurbs then, just slide rules and very clever engineers.
Modern aircraft are indeed modelled with nurbs, but not with Rhino or MoI. The toolset of those modelling packages is much more comprehensive and have a huge price tag to go with it. A price tag that is way, way, way beyond the hobbyist, let alone the learning curve needed to learn such complicated software.

>You cant just start "throwing curves around" and wonder why it doesnt work.
I did my best but unfortunately I just wasn't getting the results I wanted which is good clean smooth mesh ready for uvmapping. Just couldn't get those surfaces to go where I wanted and couldn't tweak them to shape either. All the files and blueprints are there for someone to show me how it should be done. I'm still keen to see if it can be done and learn from it.

PS I've edited my previous post of this thread as I have no wish to upset anybody. Nurbs modelling of aircraft is however not for me but that is not to say it is not the perfect solution for someone else.