CNC contours parts from 3D models

 From:  Ray (WAGGONER)
Not being a French speaker I copied and pasted the earlier message from Pierre into Google Translate and got this reasonably accurate translation for any other users wanting to follow this fascinating thread.


>> Frenchy Pilou salvation,

It means being able to automatically change the profile of the 3 objects in space based on the deformation / alteration silhouettes projected automatic ground by the specific function.

Benefits (from my point of view):
- Do not use the different views of unintentionally.
- Testing associations contours of volumes in more simple.
- Test patterns attachments / links between objects from 2D ground (for CNC users and designers who manufacture (see details of possible ways of fixing between object plane in menu design software Lamina).
- Other ... ?

A trip to the basement of the projection does not mean I am moving in space equivalent of a component of the object (may be interesting? Or optional menu function). This is according to evoke the deformation / verification by feedback only junctions volumes (option from the menu function) since their 2D profiles on the ground.

I hope I have been a little clearer. Other uses may or may not matter at all?

A +


PS: Power choose the distance between all profiles projected ground would be a plus, but I think Michael does not want to make a too-oriented manufacturing.