Dual choice GUI?

 From:  Michael Gibson
1965.5 In reply to 1965.1 
Hi Ray, I'm glad that you are enjoying MoI's interface!

I have heard from a lot of people who are worried that MoI will lose its simplicity and ease of use as new things are added.

But don't worry - keeping MoI streamlined and easy to use is very high on my list of priorities.

Actually MoI's UI was initially designed to expand in a natural way to offer more tools.

These will take the form of new sets of tabs on the side pane, similar to the existing tabs like "Draw curve", "Construct", "Transform", etc... - the main difference will be that those new tabs will be collapsed by default, so they should not clutter up the screen very much or really add much complexity to the overall UI until you want to expand them to get at the additional tools that are inside of them.

The problem with having a big "advanced UI" switch like you were mentioning earlier, is that advanced users can also benefit from having a quick and streamlined UI as well, having the most frequently used tools for modeling be very easily available and easy to understand actually helps advanced users quite a bit too!

The good thing about MoI's UI is that this expansion was designed in at the ground level - the original UI prototypes that I used for designing MoI's UI contained a much larger number of tools than are currently in MoI. That's one reason why it took me a long time to work on the UI initially, it was probably like a year's worth of effort just on that part of MoI's design by itself. But the payoff is a system that has expansion designed in from the beginning so it will not just suddenly get overloaded when I need to add stuff.

Another factor is I really resist adding new UI stuff when it is at all possible - I try as much as I can to add more power to the existing tools rather than adding brand new UI in. You can see this policy working well in v2 - all the new functions added so far in v2 only brought one single new checkbox to the top-level UI, under the View tools.

This "increase existing UI power" policy along with the built in expandability should deal very well with the problems that you are worried about I think!

- Michael