Nexus architecture

 From:  jbshorty
1947.18 In reply to 1947.17 
Yes, of course! But Modo can bake maps for transparency, diffuse, roughness, etc. And this can all be reassigned in Rhino's rmtl format, but perhaps it's just not worth Luxology's time to explore this. Perhaps some nice person will come along and write a good modo to Rhino material converter on their own. I won't hold my breath though! :)

And yes, I also wish that more engines could support NURBS directly. Even better if they can render NURBS directly without a render mesh. AIR (for Rhino) supports this and it's really so cool. But AIR is a RIB renderer, not sure how modo could support that feature. Unless of course Pixar wants to share that tech with Luxology... :)


PaQ wrote...
"Well I suppose it's quiet hard to give this kind of compatibility between two software, more over when it's about shading stuff. I mean modo shading tree can be quite complex already and I'm really not sure Rhino can handle stuffs like layers mask by object id for example, something really typical from modo ... or stuffs like vector displacement map.

I'll be really happy if the translator allow to just render Nurbs in modo, like npower translator for max ... that would be huge !"