Tutorials that explain Blend, Network and Curves?

 From:  Michael Gibson
1942.2 In reply to 1942.1 
Hi gizmo - the "Curves" part that I think you're talking about is under Construct / Curve?

That is a menu item that has 2 commands under it which construct curves from objects in different ways.

The "Project" command will take a curve and project it on to a surface. This can be useful to take 2d curves and sort of "imprint" them on to a surface and then use those resulting curves that now hug the surface for further constructions.

Check out this post:

For a tutorial on one possible use for using project - that shows how you can project some 2D curves on to a sphere, then use the projected curves as a sweep path to make some tubes, to cut some grooves out of the sphere. That's just one example of what you can do with the projected curves.

Construct / Curve / Isect will generate curves where 2 surfaces intersect each other. In most situations you will usually use a boolean command to intersect objects with one another, but the boolean commands also remove material from the objects being booleaned. With this command you can create the curves where objects intersect each other without removing any material from the original objects as in a boolean.

For Network, have you seen the examples in the documentation here:

That has a couple of examples of how Network can be used to create a surface from a set of crossing curves.

You might use Network in a case where you want to have more control over the resulting surface by using a larger number of curves to define the surface. For example Loft will use one set of cross-section curves to define a surface - Network will use 2 sets of cross-section curves going in 2 directions to define a surface.

I don't currently have any video tutorials on these commands specifically. If you need some more information you might try searching the web for Rhino tutorials that use Rhino's Project or NetworkSrf commands, those are the same kind of thing.

- Michael