Steam Mecanical Elephant - WIP

 From:  PaQ
Hello everyone,

I just want to share the last project I'm working on.
It will be my biggest MoI project, I'm not sure how I will manage it :P

So the idea is to build some kind of steam powered elephant, to illustrate one of the Jules Verne novel. (La maison à vapeur)

So here a real model, I was my first inspiration image, however I have something more mechanical in mind, with a more steampunk design.

I'm still making some design research, but I allready start to model some part I know I will use soon or later

and finally here's a first version of the front foot.

I'll probably fillet all the objects at the end, because my computer is not very happy already because of the polygon count.

Voila, hope you'll like it, and if you have any suggestion I'm listening :)



EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ