How do you model a car in Moi?

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1749.43 In reply to 1749.36 
The Story continues............

Mr. Sharp Cheddar wins a contract from GM to design and manufacture plastic injection moulds to produce headlamp bezels, there are 2 to design so he gives one project 'a' to the new 'Genius' Burr with laptop in hand and project 'b' to poor ol' Danny on his workstation.
They both take 2 weeks to complete the modeling, then the shop floor needs detailed drawings of the 20 components that need to be manufactured, Danny completes these in 3-4 days, Burr imports his models into NX and does the detail drawings as well.

Then the CAM guys open up project 'b' individual models from the assembly tree and start generating machine cutter paths, while with project 'a' they have to blank off 19 items to work on one item, then managing the whole project in the one file starts to become difficult and no one else can work on the other models because they've been modeled in one file.

Anyhow, both projects are complete, then Mr. Sharp Cheddar calls in a panic for an engineering meeting and says that the customer has made some styling changes to the product and we have to update all our data to reflect this change.

So off we go, after about 4 hours poor ol' Danny calls Mr.Cheddar and tells him that he's loaded the new product data and updated the models, the detail drawings and the CAM and it's back on track.
The Genius comes back after 3-4 days with the updated models because he had to delete, untrim, rework copy and paste surfaces to get back on track again.
Then he had to load the models back into NX to update all the drawings which took another 3 days, then the CAM guys were complaining because they virtually had to start again because the generated cutter paths all 'fell over' because most of the surface tags have changed and wouldn't update so there was another week there.
Meanwhile, project 'b' is well into machining.

Poor ol' Danny got his position back and well, as for the new guy, Mr.Cheddar decided he should just fold drawings for now until he got proper training.

So Burr, I don't know what industry you come from but this is how it works in the real world in big organizations.

BTW that simple model you did would of taken me the same time to do in NX as it would in MoI.


EDITED: 3 Dec 2009 by DANTAS