How do you model a car in Moi?

 From:  Anis
1749.39 In reply to 1749.38 
Hi Michael..... :)

>But one cool thing is that MoI can export model data to those systems,
>so it can work nicely to use MoI as a kind of sketch pad type thing,
>where you can just cook along drawing new stuff really quickly,
>and then bring that data into one of those other systems to leverage the things that they do well after that.

Yup, that is correct.
But, BTW.....when will you add a "2D drawing / communication tools" in Moi ?
I wish you can add those feature in V2 ( even a very simple communication tools )

Or maybe have you another idea so we can add some annotation / dimension before you can cook the features in Moi ?
I think both of "object organization" & "communication tools" will help a lot for Moi users.

Could you please focus your time for those features ?

WARNING : dont take your time for doing a "part time" job !!!!
Just kidding Michael.... :)
