How do you model a car in Moi?

 From:  Michael Gibson
1749.38 In reply to 1749.36 
Hi Burr , ha ha...

Actually though one of the things that the more expensive software is particularly good at is in that area of making changes on things after it has already been built.

MoI is focused more on creating the initial object quickly and easily without jumping through too many hoops.

But those very same hoops in the fancier software are not just for no purpose at all, they help with this kind of back-and-forth tweaking and changing, most definitely.

MoI is sort of more set up with the idea that just an individual person is using it and not so much a whole team of people going through those kind of cycles and filling in TPS reports, etc...

Those kinds of expensive software have whole sets of features and things to work in those kinds of environments where they are often used.

But one cool thing is that MoI can export model data to those systems, so it can work nicely to use MoI as a kind of sketch pad type thing, where you can just cook along drawing new stuff really quickly, and then bring that data into one of those other systems to leverage the things that they do well after that.

But MoI itself is not at all feasible to use as like a complete replacement for those systems, it just is not focused on the same areas.

I guess I don't view one of these things as automatically "better" than another, it all depends on the context of what you want to do. The expensive ones are better in certain contexts, and actually worse in other contexts. That's kind of what I was trying to get at by saying earlier that no one software has the entire feature set that completely covers everything.

- Michael