How do you model a car in Moi?

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1749.29 In reply to 1749.27 
Hi Michael,

> For example if you had a beginning user and they wanted to model something,
> and you could give them either MoI or Siemens NX at the same price, which one would you give them?

That all depends, do you mean for business or for personal use ?
For Business, NX.
For Personal use, MoI.

> Would they really be able to make any use of NX? And if not, then why not?
> I mean if it is high end and has more features, doesn't that mean it is better?

Initially with no modeling experience at all, they wouldn't know where to start, from using another cad package
they could be modeling within a couple of hours.
Also with the high end packages they have interactive tutorials that take you through the modeling and whatever
other features it has, step by step using real world examples.

So for the business and the beginner, the business would invest the time for the beginner to get up to speed and
it would benefit more in the long run from using NX.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't of purchased MoI if it didn't suit my needs for private use, it's a fantastic piece of
software and I've been searching for something like this for years.

Hi Burr,


Yeh ! me at work, NX suits all our needs from product design to mould design to manufacture, the only other software
we have is a FEA/stress analysis tool which we only use on special projects where we think there will be a problem, which
is about twice a year.

> Most "high end" guy's have an arsenal of things they accomplish tasks with. Not just one!

Nope, not where I work, we did some extensive research before we decided which software suited our needs and that was in the late 80's.
I think it would be a different choice these days but thats because of the vast variety on offer.
Software developers aren't as caring and sharing as Michael who thinks about their users and the users needs, the others would never think of
sharing a native file format so that you can share resources between other software you have to find or buy translators that you hope, after
translation that your model is still in a sound state.
