How do you model a car in Moi?

 From:  PaQ
Hi there :)


I'll be more than interested by your workarounds and tips about creating a car in MoI !!!


My frustration actually is that since I have discovered Nurbs (thanks to MoI), I really don't want to go back to polymodeling for any hardsurfacing model ... really never. It's not only a matter of taste, it's just that surface coming from sds technique are so inaccurate, reflections are never perfect as they can be when using nurbs.

As Michael said, maybe I should just build the model without the continuity for now, and wait until new tools are integrated in future release of our favorite modeler :o).
If I have to build this kind of model for my professional work I'll probably buy Rhino, seems to be the best companion of MoI ... I'm not sure to make the jump for a more advanced nurbs package for my 'hobby' daily models :S