How do you model a car in Moi?

 From:  manz
1749.14 In reply to 1749.6 
Hi Bogdan,

>>All I can say it is time consuming and I think I'll stick with Sub-D modelling for complex models such as this one

I can understand some frustration when attempting such models, but it is more a case of finding direction to produce a model with the tools available.
Most tutorials for car building in nurbs are based around Rhino, which IMHO is one on the best surface creation/editing programs, but even having that program does not then give the user the ability to build such models, only more advanced tools.
I have played around quite a lot now with MoI and do push the program, so maybe I can help out?

>> and do the stuff that MoI is ment to do in MoI :)

That is a little concerning to me, as I always prefer to do what I want/can in such a 3d program, not what I am told I can do by some limitation due to missing tools.

Let me have a look around for some car blueprints that others can also follow (and that will not be too time consuming) and I will start a WIP for a car.
