V2 beta Jul-3-2008 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
1742.50 In reply to 1742.49 
Hi Brian - moi.ini is the file where MoI saves all of its settings to.

Normally the settings that are frequently used also have some more normal UI for changing them, like checkboxes, and edit fields in the Options dialog.

But when I am developing new features I will occasionally put some kinds of options or things relating to the new features just inside the moi.ini file and not add any UI for that particular one. Sometimes these may be kind of "emergency use only" type things, like for instance the one that you asked about there is for turning off one piece of the draw-on-surfaces mechanism that is new for v2.

That way if there was some major bug where that new feature was crashing or getting in the way of normal use, there is at least some possible way to turn it off.

Basically if everything works as intended you should not need to change that setting at all.

But I wanted to mention it so that I had published the complete notes on all the new stuff in the beta, some people want to know all the details so I try to mention all the details when giving a full overview.

Most of the time if you see something like that when you wonder "what use is that", it probably means it is not useful for your particular case and you can just ignore it.

- Michael