V2 beta Jul-3-2008 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
1742.30 In reply to 1742.29 
Hi Crusoe, you should be able to use Transform/Move for that. Pick the base point for the move on to the chunk piece, and then for the second point make sure you have Straight Snap enabled in the bottom toolbar, and you should then be able to get a "Normal" straight snap which you can track along to do that.

It can help a bit to rotate to view from the side a bit when looking for the normal snap, if the normal is pointing straight at you it will be harder to track along.

Also there's a bug in the first beta if you use a "Cen" snap for the base point, the surface normal won't activate in that case but that is fixed up for the next beta.

If that doesn't seem to work for you, could you please post a model file (or e-mail to me at moi@moi3d.com) with the pieces in it so I can take a look?

The normal snap will not activate during just a simple drag - I had thought about this a bit, but I think to do that would also mean enabling perp and tangent snaps when dragging a curve to drag along the curve's own perpendicular from that point... It just seemed kind of weird to have a curve kind of snap to itself like that during dragging.

- Michael