Hi Leonard, certainly I can understand those kinds of frustrations where some apps seem to not ever get back to fix basic issues even after a long time.
There are many factors that can contribute to that.
It is not at all unusual for new software development to be driven primarily by marketing concerns and the desire to have a big feature checklist to make a marketing brochure look impressive. That kind of focus tends to shunt development activity towards new stuff and take resources away from working on the basic "bread & butter" type stuff.
It can also be a pretty big risk sometimes to change how some of the basic stuff in an application works. It is not unusual for people to complain a lot when things are changed, even if they are overall for the better. Some types of management just do not like to take the risks that can be involved in making those kinds of fundamental changes.
Since I don't have any marketing department and I don't have any management, it helps me to avoid some of these issues ;)
But seriously, I do actually put a very high value on nailing down the basics - that is a major guiding design principle for MoI. I think you'll see some more of that in action soon in the first v2 beta, which has improvements in some of the very basic functions like quicker and easier object scaling and rotation, and enhancements to basic snapping and drawing tools as the first round of new stuff.
I'm glad that you are having fun using MoI!
- Michael