
 From:  Michael Gibson
1691.2 In reply to 1691.1 
Hi Paul,

> MoI doesnt attempt multiple edges like this example ??

I think what happens there is that it does attempt it, but the filleter does not handle situations where one of the created fillet surfaces is totally consumed and trimmed away by other processing such as handling the corner pieces.

So when you have a tiny edge like that (there are actually 2 over there) right next to a sharp corner, that is not a good combination and will usually fail. The tiny edge will cause a tiny surface fillet piece to be created which can then pretty easily be totally consumed.

If you use MergeEdge in Rhino to merge those little teeny-tiny edges with their long neighbors that they are smooth with, then that side will get filleted. I should be able to do that procedure automatically, I have made a note to improve this when I can get a chance to work on it.

> See attached image shows the creases on the developed fillet in MoI.

The lumpy part seems to be a bug in the fillet surface generation - it looks like the correct result there is that the fillet rails should be split into 2 pieces. Instead it is trying to build one piece in there which produces a kind of bump when it goes over the area where the crease is supposed to be.

This problem is more deep down in the fillet mechanics, I will need to send it over to the people who make the geometry library that I use to have it fixed up.

I do already have an updated library that I will be putting into V2 soon, which does have fixes to several fillet issues. I don't know yet if this particular thing is fixed in that update or not.

Thanks for posting the model file, that helps a lot to be able to repeat the problem over here. Unfortunately filleting is an extremely complex area and it will often take a while before I'm able to get fixes for bugs in this area.

- Michael