MOI for Mac

 From:  philcarrizzi
169.21 In reply to 169.19 
re: Mac version of MOI

I am really hoping that the Mac is soon coming to a point that it will be able to fairly simply run anything. It's certainly pretty close right now compared to a year ago.

We (the school where I teach) are moving to ALL Mac laptops in the Fall, getting rid of all of our lab computers. Even the programs (like Metals/Jewelry Design) that are currently Win-based. All the Faculty just got new MacBooks and MacBookPros. So this is a burning issue to all of us right now. But one that I am really confident will work itself out. I think there is a chance that some of us will just change to Mac based software, but it will take at least a year or two of working in BootCamp while everyone adjusts. And it really depends on where Mac virtualization goes.

Excellent. I finally booted into BootCamp for the first time in over a month I think (I am almost all Parallels at this point) to work in MOI last night, of course it runs great. So that'll do for us, esp since we will not be giving up Rhino until things like TechGems and Flamingo exist for MOI:) But we will certainly use it in any way we can as long as we can afford to when you release it!