Wild idea for Moi upgrade.

 From:  Michael Gibson
1686.7 In reply to 1686.6 
Hi Brent - sorry I may have misinterpreted what you meant by the "Goo" reference.

I do want to make it possible to make more kinds of adjustments in the future, especially to be able to adjust some of the original curves that you drew, and have the results that were constructed from those curves get updated.

This is possible in basic situations right now like you noticed with the Revolve. I do want to enable this kind of editing through a longer chain of more operations in the future.

That will give you more opportunities for "adjustments", but it isn't exactly what I would normally call a really "Goo" like malleability though.

Those other programs are more focused really literally on tugging on small areas of surfaces to kind of work in a sculpting like manner kind of more like clay sculpting. MoI's methods are not like that, they're more like drawing instead of sculpting.

- Michael