Make Surface

 From:  manz
1665.5 In reply to 1665.4 
Hi Paul,

>>I was trying to demonstrate that I didn't end up with a gap and that the curves were OK.
>>Curve network for both surfs

I have not yet seen gaps left in network within MoI, or I would of posted. Could you please post your construction to replicate that.

>>This style of shape typically breeds the dread 'X' in the surface with bulged corners

Bulged corners/surfaces can be a problem, but it is initial from the input. Yes, some software will attempt to compensate, and make attempted correction, but I do not expect that from MoI

>>So how might I improve this in your opinion.....the only G1 curve is the profile/split ??

Give me more info on the resulting component needed. Simply showing 3 curves and expecting perfect smooth is difficult.

- manz