Distance - Wish

 From:  Michael Gibson
1661.9 In reply to 1661.8 
Hi Paul,

> No. I mean to Analyze a point on a model X,Y,Z can this
> be RMB on the existing distance button.

In the default V1 UI, there actually isn't a distance button... Did you customize the UI to add one?

It is possible to write a script handler for a button press, and in that script handler it is possible to see if it was the right mouse button that was clicked or not, and to make the script do different things depending on that.

You have to edit the .htm file for the UI in notepad to make that though, let me know if you want some more details.

But yeah for v2 I want to have a bigger set of analyze tools, currently the plan is to have a whole palette named "Analyze" on the side pane, same as "Draw curve", "Construct", etc... It will be collapsed by default so I'm not too worried about clutter in there.

> If tooltips were active (switchable in options) then it would be self explanatory?.

That's another thing I've tried really hard to avoid - instead of having any tooltips I try to incorporate the text built into the UI right at the top so you can immediately see what things do instead of needing to hover over every button to see what it does... Having the tooltips kind of "baked in" like this really helps to increase the browsability of the UI.

> (will you email V1 owners or will it just be
> posted up here to download from your site ?)

The announcement for it will probably just be posted here.

- Michael