Distance - Wish

 From:  Michael Gibson
1661.7 In reply to 1661.6 
Hi Paul,

> Is there a way yet to utilize a given button for LMB & RMB . For
> example I would like to see analyze point RMB on distance button,
> that way no extra clutter but more functionality ?

Do you mean for a distance button once there is a set of "Analyze" tools in the side pane?

Yes, it would be possible to add right-button clicks for things, but also I have tried to generally avoid that in a lot of cases, it can sometimes sort of make things a bit too hidden away. Sometimes that is ok if it is an "advanced" kind of feature, but if it is a pretty basic thing then it can not be good to have it too hidden. I'll see how that feels once I get a chance to work on the analyze tool set.

> Also, using coordinate input on current distance doesn't seem right ?.

Yeah, there isn't really a proper control yet for just displaying an value - instead that uses the control that is intended for entering a value, that's why it wants to take keyboard focus for instance, and put up the calculator input panel.

I've attached here an alternate version that doesn't do that, it isn't quite 100% the same as the proper "display" type control will be, but it won't eat the keyboard input like the previous version would so it won't interfere with inputting x,y,z point values.

This one may work better for you until I get a chance to do the full one.

> Ohhh and I dont think you have been asked this question yet(ha..ha)
> - when can us V1 owners have a play with V2 beta :-)) :-))

Pretty soon! :)

It has just taken a bit longer to finish up the on-surface drawing than I had thought, it has an impact on quite a lot of different drawing tools. It's going well but still just a bit longer before it is all wrapped up.

It is really hard to judge an exact schedule for this kind of work, sorry.

- Michael