Distance - Wish

 From:  karter
1661.6 In reply to 1661.5 
>> I wish that would happen more often! ;)

OK...Lets try this then ;-)

Is there a way yet to utilize a given button for LMB & RMB . For example I would like to see analyze point RMB on distance button, that
way no extra clutter but more functionality ?

Also, using coordinate input on current distance doesn't seem right ?. Click distance and pick a point on model in 3d space, then input for
example -20, -10 as a position..this ends up going into the distance tab. The calculator could be removed from the tabs as that adds to
confusion IMHO.

Ohhh and I dont think you have been asked this question yet(ha..ha) - when can us V1 owners have a play with V2 beta :-)) :-))
