
 From:  Michael Gibson
1635.5 In reply to 1635.4 
Hi Paul - I see. There is kind of a flip side to that though which is viewing surface smoothness.

I've found that often times kinks or small ripples in surfaces can occur right at those isocurve locations, and when isocurves are displaying it can tend to cover up those little glitches and make them harder to notice until later... With no isocurves being displayed you get a more unobstructed view of the surface itself, that can help when just eyeballing the fairness of the surface.

But yeah with isocurves displayed it does give you an indication of the control point density of the surface though, and overly concentrated density in one small spot is definitely a warning sign.

I'd like to get that in as an option, I'm just not quite sure of when that will happen yet.

- Michael