Design documentation

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1611.5 In reply to 1611.4 
Hi Jonah,
I just believe that there are enough technical drawing type apps out there, including the free ones here.
It's good that you have rhino that supports technical drawings and reading through the forum I don't think MoI is going this direction in the near future.

There is a list of popular 3D software posted by Phil (PHILBO) in the forum here, I haven't checked all but I don't think any of these support technical drawing and they have been around for years.

Personally I prefer 2 or 3 softwares that compliment each other and specialise best in their technical field than have an all in one swiss army knife that becomes buggy and expensive, I've already voiced this elsewhere so I won't go on about this again.

That's all.