Moi & linux

 From:  chocobanana
1583.16 In reply to 1583.10 
Hello Michael

I certainly am well aware that it is a great effort to make the port and that my words didn't make it justice.

I guess this is more like something I wanted to share since I am so frustrated in my quest to free my self of proprietary OSes in an Industrial Design workflow.

Anyway, you got a great point on what concerns the interface, toolkits won't help you here indeed... Perhaps gecko, webkit as discussed before to replace that nasty mshtml... Maybe make this a RIA app? And I personally think you're definitely going on the right path by think of a proper custom interface instead of using a generic concept!!!

Great that you understood what I meant by "barely started". This is still v1 but you'll surely agree now would be the best time to port with the fewest human/technical resources available. And you don't have a manager above you to say no.

But anyway, in the end I understand your whole point for the single fact that this is a single man effort.

Thank you for the tip in running it on a VM. I would rather try everything possible to run in Wine but if necessary I'll resort to a VM.

Btw, is the educational version of MoI upgradeable to a future commercial version?

Thanks and all the best!