More of Rhino Boat Tute

 From:  manz
1568.32 In reply to 1568.29 
Hi Brian,

>>That makes all I did worthwhile.

I have been following the thread with great interest. I have never modeled a sailing boat, but do feel like building one now.
The only hulls I usually build (for hobby) are spaceship hulls (I am a bit of a sci-fi fan, since the first episode of startrek back in 65) but, certainly off topic.

I have found some plans of a sailing boat I downloaded a while ago (cant even remember where from), I do now feel like building that model, although there are no photos, and the plans are hand drawn, I do now, after seeing your model, feel like attempting to build that. Would you be willing to help me with it (not on how it should be built in MoI, but how it should look) , as there are some gaps in the plans/blueprints, and boats are not something I know much about.

- manz