Another alternative UI

 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
As you may have seen, I've taken some liberties with MoI's UI.

I feel that doing so has allowed me to increase my sense of ownership in the MoI concept, such as we all do that frequent this forum.
MoI is a "personal" modeling program, one that is comfortable to use, not bogged down by a zillion buttons or procedures and parametric relations that have to be drudged through.

I've attached a copy of my custom UI, but only the files that I altered and added.
These were intended for V2 and are provided for fun and reference.
If you know what you are doing and are confident with working with the MoI UI structure, then you may find some interest in this.

If you are not familiar with the UI then please MAKE A COPY of your original files first!
Also, I'm not sure if everything is there, so use at your own risk.

The changes I made were:

1) Lighting - I was used to the bland look of SketchUp, and MoI's default lights with the funny midway shadow thing was odd to me.
But when another user posted the thing about tweaking the lights, I tried it out and found this configuration that gives your model a slick plastic look... I like.

2) All of my tweaks that are allowed on any particular software follow a color scheme that I've grown to like. Yes, even my car is a muted teal!
The icons and UI elements have been changed in Photoshop to be aqua, teal and red.

I suggest tweaking them out yourself from PSP or PS by changing the "Hue" and re-saving them.

3) The View panes have a nice fade-out.
4) Added two commands to the pop-up bar in the views, one to center your selected objects and one to go to full screen with no UI.
5) Misc commands added to the Side panel.
6) Tweaked the bottom command bar, moved the view selector over.
7) Gave all the buttons and UI some "bling" treatment with a glossy look.
8) Custom .ini and .css color changes to everything! - Where most of the custom coloration comes from.

Note: I'm always in the process of tweaking the UI and would still like to add a few commands that are non-UI.
There is a fine balance between adding everything you want and keeping the UI pristine and easy on the eyes that Michael has intended.

If you find this UI useful and adopt it, I have no problems with that - just don't go claiming to be me and post tutorials of a questionable nature that would even make an old sailor blush! ;-)
And feel free to donate $ to the "Help get Majik Mike his own copy of MoI (someday) fund" c/o! ;-)