Circular Helix Array

 From:  Michael Gibson
1519.28 In reply to 1519.25 
Hi Pilou,

> Suggestion
> So give just the possibility to the user to build his own library of plug ! :)
> (background, image, text)

If you'd like to write your own UI, that is actually possible right now...

I've attached an example here: PluginGallery.htm - copy that to the \ui subfolder in MoI's main installation folder, and then set up a keyboard shortcut that has this as the command for it:
script:moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://ui/PluginGallery.htm', 'resizeable' );

Now when you push that key, the PluginGallery.htm page will come up in a dialog box.

It is a page of big buttons, you can click on a button to start the command - currently only the ToroidalHelix one is filled in.

But you can edit the PluginGallery.htm file with as many different images, backgrounds, or text as you like.

- Michael