Merge edge

 From:  manz
1518.9 In reply to 1518.8 
Hi Michael,

>>>In Rhino just from the way things pieced together, there is a MergeEdge and MergeSrf, but no plain "Merge" for curves... Then separately there is Match for curves, and MatchSrf for surfaces.

Rhino will not allow the merging of lines/curves unless the curvature is correct, that is why the option to merge curves is a sub_option of match.

>>>It might make sense in MoI to have this boil down to 2 different commands - Merge that works on curves (no continuity options, just makes it one fully smooth segment), edges that are tangent, and surfaces, and then a Match (with continuity options here) that works on curves and surfaces for editing their shape but keeping them separate objects...

I think it could be a little unpredictable to have a Merge that is going to adjust both curves automatically, but I will wait and see what you come up with.

- Steve