Merge edge

 From:  manz
1518.5 In reply to 1518.3 
Hi Michael,

>>>currently the plan is to make a separate Merge command which on curves will fuse 2 curves into one smooth segment instead of what Join does, and then have it also work on edges to fuse edges together.

For the curves, that would be equivalent to the "match" command in Rhino, so would there be sub_options, such as "continuity" "preserve other end"?

>>>Do you guys think it would be better if Join on edges did this merging operation instead of what it currently does?

I was a little surprised at what "join" did on surface edge, as I think of it more of a copy_edge function rather than a join.

I just need to be able to merge/join a surface edge, mainly at this point for later blending.

- Steve