MOI + Silo = good total modeling solution?

 From:  Michael Gibson
1423.6 In reply to 1423.1 
Hi angeliclight,

Definitely MoI and Silo can be a great combination because they have such different approaches to modeling and strengths in different areas.

As you seem to already know, Silo's strengths are in organic type modeling.

MoI's strengths are more in mechanical/industrial type shapes.

But from what you are describing (you say you aren't doing organic shapes at all), I would think that you would want to focus on using MoI for those types of models.

It is difficult to say for certain without seeing some images or sketches of the types of models that you want to construct. It would be easier to give you a lot more specific advice with some more specific targets.

you wrote:
> Would there be better solutions out there?

Well, SketchUp is really great for pretty normal style architectural type work. You should definitely check it out, probably at least some portion of your buildings would probably be easiest to do there.

But again, it depends on what kind of buildings you want to do...

Really your best bet is to pick some representative models and try building them in each of these different modelers that you are interested in, so that you can see which one suits you best. There is not really any substitute for that.

- Michael