Open the save menu need a long time (large model problem)

 From:  Michael Gibson
1351.2 In reply to 1351.1 
Hi Micha - I'm glad that you were able to use MoI to help out!

If you have a large model it is going to take some time to process. Fundamentally a lot of data means a lot of processing.

One thing that I will be able to do in the future is to add a wireframe mode to MoI. Right now when you open up a model MoI will create a display mesh so it can show it with a shaded display in the viewport. This display meshing processes a lot quicker than export meshing, but it also tends to consume quite a lot of memory.

Probably what has happened in your instance is that all your RAM has been used up and you are paging to disk which slows things down a lot.

A wireframe mode would help to use less RAM and is probably the one thing that I will be able to do in the future to speed up the loading time.

For exporting time, MoI does a lot of extra work to try and make a very well formed mesh. It would be possible to speed this up, but the tradeoff would have to be lower quality on the mesh result.

Is that a tradeoff you are interested in? I mean a lower quality export but one that was quicker?

I have assumed that most people want as high quality of an export as possible since it kind of freezes the model data at that point into a new format.

> Michael, could the MOI mesher conected to Rhino per plugin?

It's possible but it would take some extra work to get it all ready to do that, and instead of working on plug-ins for other systems right now I have to place priority on adding new features directly in to MoI instead. So right now I'm not planning on doing that, sorry.

It is quite easy to use MoI in combination with Rhino though, you can also use copy and paste to transfer models back and forth between them.

- Michael