Lighting in MOI3D

 From:  Michael Gibson
1348.6 In reply to 1348.5 
Hi Alan, the default light does actually move with the camera but it is angled to come sort of from over your left shoulder instead of shining straight forward.

It is possible to make it shine straight forward by setting up a slightly different script than the one mentioned above. To do this, go to Options / Shortcut keys, and add a new shortcut, enter your key on the left side (for example put in L ) and for the command part, copy and paste this in:
script:var dir = moi.view.lightDirection; if ( dir.x == 1 && dir.y == 1 && dir.z == -1 ) { dir.set(0,1,0); } else { dir.set(1,1,-1); } moi.view.lightDirection = dir;

Now when you push L (or whatever key you picked), it will switch between the default "behind left shoulder" direction and straight forward.

But that straight-forward lighting tends to give a kind of "harsh" lighting effect though - things that have flat surfaces on them like a box will only have full light shining on faces that are facing directly at you. Often times when modeling it is nicer to work on objects like a box by viewing them at a more oblique angle instead of straight on at one face, that's why the light by default shines in from the "over your shoulder" type angle.

- Michael