Point number presrvation / reduction ?

 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
1341.5 In reply to 1341.4 
>But maybe there is some confusion here - it wouldn't suddenly make all your models in MoI squishable like a polygon >mesh, you would only squish around models that you built using polygon type techniques from the first place (like >box modeling, etc..) . If you construct your model using solids and booleans type techniques, then those would have >trimmed surfaces in them and would not have the T-spline squishability to them.

Certainly ! I am just searching for a toolset which is tailored to my modelling tasks.
A combination of the two worlds poly-and nurbs seems to come very close to the ideal.
Unfortunatley I would have to buy Rhino if I want to use t-splines. I would prefer MoI
due to its genious simplicity and ease of use . . .