editing geometry

 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
1337.11 In reply to 1337.10 
"unfortunately, i don't have the patience or skill to plan my modelling in its entirety, so for me full editing tools are a must."

I come from Cinema, too. I use to draw my concepts by building up a 3-dimensional spline model and then go on
experimenting with the shapes and proportions of the solid model until achieving the final form.

I am actually trying out if I can do this with MoI. I thing the best (only ?) way to keep the object easily editable is when
working with curves and networks so that you can use the points of the curves to edit the object. So I am experimenting
if I can design my objects mainly with the use of curves + networks as I found out that I loose flexibilty when I apply
boole operations or others.