[Q] Turn on points for polysurfaces

 From:  Michael Gibson
1250.2 In reply to 1250.1 
Hi Momso,

> Is there any difference in between MoI and Rhino?

Yup - this is an extra feature of MoI where it allows you to turn on control points for polysurfaces, if all of its surfaces share common points along their joined edges.

This happens with a box primitive, and also if you do something like a Loft with polylines or curves that have sharp corners in them.

All of the other shapes that you show there have a trimmed plane in them, and the control points for that plane do not align with the control points for the neighboring surfaces, that's why their points don't turn on. You'll see the plane's points if you use Edit/Separate on them and then turn points on (zoom out a bit, sometimes the plane can be extended a bit).

Some more information in the FAQ here .

- Michael