Sketchup exchange

 From:  boatstalker
Interesting thread here on polys. Personally I agree with XROK1 that I would like to see MOI stay as clean from polys as possible. Maintaining simplicity is vital. Once too many functions or tools have been added to an application it becomes overwhelmingly complex and that attractive user-friendlyness would soon be lost.

However one thing I have been thinking about is if you guys out there know of any application that is able to translate standard polygon meshes e.g. OBJ or STL into Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces. Such an application if existent opens the door to translating trimmed NURBS into subdivision surfaces for postprocessing surfaces where more sculpting flexibility is needed.

Is there perhaps something available out there that is able to directly translate trimmed NURBS into SDS?
P.s. I think T-splines has not yet the ability to translate trimmed NURBS into SDS.

All the best,

The Lapstrake Lover