Sketchup exchange

 From:  WillBellJr
1244.25 In reply to 1244.24 
Hence my statement that I didn't like the business practices of the company - the selloffs ($1.99 deals), broken promises (half-working Hex 2), the layoffs etc...

I tried getting into SketchUp (the free version) but I couldn't figure out how to make a wall say 15 feet or make things to a specified sizes / dimensions (perhaps I needed to spend more time with the package?)

Or does only the Pro version have that?


PS - The one thing I've begged Michael to include within MOI is "realtime curve booleans" such as what LWCAD 2.x has for Lightwave:

Being able to draw (or import) curves in MOI and then be able to drag them around using a specified boolean mode and have them interact in a similar fashion would be just wonderful for me when constructing my curves before working them into 3D forms...