Sketchup exchange

 From:  WillBellJr
1244.23 In reply to 1244.17 
Hi Frenchy, correct, Hexagon isn't NURBS but it has pretty good 2d sweep capabilities so while it's a polygon modeler, you can create your base shapes using curves in a similar fashion to MOI. (actually Hexagon and Amapi are sorta related code wise - my problem with the software was the company's business practices. has a lot of that history embedded in the messages there...)

XRok1, I'm not assuming what people do and don't know, except for the fact that they may not know about the two applications I mentioned.

Michael has mentioned several times that MOI isn't focused on poly editing (at least at this point in time) and I offered suggestions, Amapi probably being exactly what being asked for...

I can understand needing accuracy and that's why NURBS works so well for mechanical models.

But if SketchUp is delivering polygons, it's polygons that you'll need to edit. For polygon modeling accuracy, there's always Lightwave and Modo but they're certainly more than $200...

Personally I'm glad that MOI is exclusively a NURBS modeler, I'd like to stay away from polygons as long as possible for my mechanical models... (But I can understand the various desires to be able to do more within MOI.)
