UV coordinates assigned to the surfaces which will be recieving textures.

 From:  Michael Gibson
1240.5 In reply to 1240.1 
Hi Ed, there should be UV coordinates assigned in the .obj file that you export from MoI, so I'm not really sure why the Carbon Fiber material would not work.

You may need to contact HyperShot tech support and send them a small sample .obj file so they could check it out.

> If I import a 3dm object created in MoI, HyperShot converts it to OBJ and
> I can't assign materials to different portions of the object.

Yeah, if I remember right, when they import a .3dm file, they cluster everything by the different layers in the file instead of separating things for each individual object. So since MoI does not do layers yet and puts everything on a single layer that causes the problem you're seeing here.

- Michael