
 From:  Michael Gibson
1226.16 In reply to 1226.15 
Hi Will,

> Thanks Michael, now I won't have to worry so
> much about only exporting solids.

Well, it can still be better to export solids. Even with these changes, MoI still does not know which direction should be the "outside" if you create an open surface initially.

However, there will now be more consistency, the normals of an open surface will now not flip when doing mirroring or when saving to .3dm, and I've also done some work to make the results consistent when you do stuff like cut something up into pieces.

However, none of this "maintain consistent direction" work will help in the case where the normal direction on an open surface is not initially going in the direction that you want. I do expect to have a Flip command at some point to let you see and change this though.

But keeping things consistent through operations and saving is a good step forward at least. It's one necessary part of the whole thing.

> Is surface assignments going to be in the next Beta?

I hope so, but I still have a fair amount of work to do to finish it up though. I've been kind of side tracked for a bit with some other work to make the export meshing multi-core enabled to speed it up and make it not freeze the UI while it is calculating.

- Michael