OBJ export broken for 3dm files made in old MoI versions.

 From:  Michael Gibson
1169.6 In reply to 1169.5 
Hi Chris, I have posted a patch for this problem here: http://moi3d.com/beta/Nov18_patch1.zip

To install the patch, unzip it and copy the new moi_lib.dll file over top of your old version in
C:\Program Files\MoI beta Nov-18-2007\

With this in place, you should be able to switch the .ini file back to:

So that you get the better triangulation with skinny triangle reduction, but with proper UVs.

Since you have a good sample model that reproduced the problem, could you please give the patch a test with the .ini file back to its original value to make sure that the bug is solved?


- Michael