Wiki now available

 From:  Michael Gibson
1129.8 In reply to 1129.4 
@Daniele - thanks! :) The nice thing about this is that now posts here on the forum like your tutorial one can be listed over there on the wiki, so they are basically indexed in one place instead of scrolling down and down as new posts are added until new people can't find them as easily.

I think I like this better than trying to have too many different sections to the forum itself.

> Maybe you must add a link to the Wiki on the Home Page ;)

Definitely that is the plan! I just haven't got around to updating the regular web site quite yet.

> Now I have to learn how to edit a Wiki... :-))

I tried to go over just a few essential editing basics in that one article. But you don't really need to worry about it too much, it's totally fine if you just hit the edit tab and type in some plain unformatted text at the start or end. I can then easily tweak it later on to add formatting, move it to a related section, etc...

- Michael