Dimension tool

 From:  Michael Gibson
1113.2 In reply to 1113.1 
Hi Juan!

> In the definitive version you will include a manual or guide to know all the
> functions of MOI or you created icons that make the same operations
> that the scrips.

You mean documentation for how to write scripts?

No, unfortunately it will take quite a lot of time to document the entire programming system of MoI, I don't expect to have this completed for version 1.0 .

For icons - in the future I would like to create some kind of "plug-ins" menu that would let you pick different scripts off of some menu instead of only setting them up under keyboard shortcuts, but for version 1 it will be for keyboard shortcuts only.

> My question is on the tools of DIMENSIONS that it would be important
> to see graphically in the screen and if a scrip exists like I install it.

On-screen dimensions are not really something that can be added just with a script. Scripts are generally used to kind of automatically process things that would currently take many steps.

On-screen dimensions are not really like that, they need to be added as a new core feature in version 2, they are not really something that is easy to make through script only.

I do want to work on adding in dimensions for version 2 though!

- Michael