It's working, I have Qs: was: Unexpected condition (crash)...

 From:  glidergider (DAVIDCOUSINS)
1102.6 In reply to 1102.5 
I'm downloading the direct X driver and installing right now. The crash I experienced was the type with a black screen and no mouse or keyboard response. I had to power down. So I can imagine it would damage files.

Regarding the moi.ini, I always run with my hidden folders visible. I don't have that file on my computer anywhere. Hopefully it will recreate it.

Regarding my video driver, that's going to be a little more difficult. I have an old version the the All-in-wonder card, and there are lots of versions. I'm not sure which one to pick. I'll revisit that one again.

Thanks for your help. Well here goes, the directX is done with the install.