It's working, I have Qs: was: Unexpected condition (crash)...

 From:  Michael Gibson
1102.23 In reply to 1102.22 
Hi Dave, I got the file.

But unfortunately surfaces created in this way are basically unable to be intersected with other surfaces for things like boolean operations.

The bendy trailing edge is a really complex curve as far as sweep rails go - combined with a really dense profile curve, that has resulted in a very complex surface. That's why it is working so slow and the file size is so large, the surface is really dense with control points.

To see this, you can select it and use Edit / Separate to break it into individual surfaces. Then select one of them and use Edit/Show pts, you will see a really dense sea of points there...

You basically can't use sweep with such a complex bendy rail.... Well, you can use it, but the result is just not going to be boolean-able, it will have too much torquing and kind of folding over itself. It drives the intersector crazy to try and track all that when calculating the intersection with a different surface which is part of the calculations for booleans.

It is quite difficult to make a sort of subtly bubbling kind of surface like this in MoI, you've basically got some little wavy and ripply details. MoI's tools are more based around creating broader more gradually curved surfaces, not so much things with small detailed ripples and bumps in them.

I'd recommend doing this in a polygon-based subdivision modeler like Silo for instance, this kind of detailing is kind of closer to organic type modeling than industrial/mechanical style modeling...

Also like I mentioned in my other post, a system based more on raised relief work like ArtCAM would probably do a much easier job of this than MoI as well.

- Michael