New polygon to 3dm wireframe converter available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
1099.6 In reply to 1099.5 
Hi Michael, there's nothing built in to the converter to control the scale, it's pretty bare bones.

But you can scale it to whatever size you want inside of MoI - one easy way is to use File / Import to bring the .3dm file in - when you use Import instead of Open, the objects that are read in will be selected. So then they are all ready to use the Transform / Scale command.

After you run Scale, some shortcuts are to type in "0" and push enter to use the origin as the scaling point, and then type in your scale factor like 0.1 for 1/10 scale, and push enter. That should go pretty fast.

If you need to repeat that a lot, let me know and I can create a script macro for you to automate those steps.

- Michael