New six-legged pod video tutorial available.

 From:  Michael Gibson
1096.8 In reply to 1096.3 
Hi Lish, thanks for your feedback on the tutorials!

I agree that some more mechanical or "hard dimension" driven objects would definitely be a good addition.

But in most cases creating things to a specific given dimension just means entering some specific numbers at different stages.

For example creating a rectangle to a specific width and height dimension just means entering those numbers as the width and height when you create the rectangle, rather than just picking freeform with the mouse... Creating a fillet of a specific radius means just typing in the radius you want... It's really pretty straight-forward.

One problem with the kind of models that you are asking about like Consumer products or furniture, is that a tutorial on those can be quite a bit longer than on the more simple shapes that I have done so far. The longer a tutorial is, the greater amount of time and effort it takes for me to create it.

At this point I am planning on having these 3 tutorials as the ones for the initial 1.0 release. I just can't really spend too much more time on tutorials at the moment, but I should hopefully be able to add additional ones later on.

The current ones are intended to just cover the basics of how to use MoI.

Have you seen Steph's videos? They kind of cover somewhat more complex and "real" objects more like you are asking about, so they may be useful for you to watch if you haven't seen them yet.

- Michael