Save image from MOI

 From:  Ambimind
1049.33 In reply to 1049.32 
Fantastic, thank you!

For anyone else interested, here is the script that produces the type of rendering visible in the following image:

script:var v = moi.ui.getActiveViewport(); if ( v != null ) { moi.view.lineWidth = 3; moi.grid.display = false; moi.view.meshAngle = 5.0; moi.grid.showXYAxes = false; moi.view.showHiddenLines = false; moi.view.lightingStyle = 'CustomLevels'; moi.view.customKeyLightLevel = 100.0; moi.view.customFillLightLevel = 100.0; v.renderToClipboard(2048, 2048 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; moi.grid.display = true; moi.view.meshAngle = 10.0; moi.view.lightingStyle = 'Default'; moi.grid.showXYAxes = true; moi.view.showHiddenLines = true; }

BTW, I found that the default grey background works perfectly when using "Magic Wand" with a 1px tolerance - so as to mask the background(image below is .png so as to show this):

EDITED: 2 Jul 2011 by AMBIMIND
